Optovue iFusion 80 OCT

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The complete retinal imaging solution

iFusion80 combines the best of Spectral-Domain OCT and fundus imaging by adding the powerful OCT capabilities of iVue80 and high-quality imaging from iCam12 on a single, integrated, versatile platform that will add value to your practice.

As the needs of your practice change, iFusion80’s modularity provides you with various upgrade pathways to choose from, so that you can offer the latest in OCT and fundus imaging to your patients

An ophthamic clinician and a patient look at the results of a scan on a computer monitor taken with the Optovue iScan OCT device.

A Spectral-Domain OCT for every clinical practice

The iVue80 SD-OCT is the next phase in advanced OCT product design. With a complete offering of retina, glaucoma and anterior segment scanning as standard, iVue80 is the perfect advanced, yet easy-to-use, OCT for clinical practices. The streamlined user interface, small foot print and familiar slit lamp-style delivery design all contribute to fast and efficient clinical use and patient throughput.


A range of retina scans

The iVue80 offers a range of retina scans to suit the user’s needs, these include:

Real-Time En Face
Real-time en face display provides a 12x9mm view of the retina during scan acquisition to assist the operator in scanning the desired location.

3D Retina Cube
7x7mm cube scan provides visualisation of 201 raster lines to enable in-depth analysis of retinal structures.

Radial Line
Six 12mm radial lines provide multiple views of the retina.

Retina Map
Visualise a 9x5mm area of the retina with an ETDRS reference database comparison to quickly identify areas of increased or decreased thickness.

Three retina scans taken with the Optovue iVue OCT device.

Extensive glaucoma scans

The iVue80 offers a range of glaucoma scans to suit the users’ needs these include:

3D Disc Cube
6x6mm cube scan provides visualisation of 201 raster lines to enable in-depth analysis of optic disc structures.

Ganglion Cell Complex (GCC) Analysis
The GCC thickness map allows identification and measurement of ganglion cell loss in glaucoma and Optovue’s exclusive Focal Loss Volume metric (FLV%) is the single best predictor of conversion to glaucoma.1

Nerve Fiber Layer Analysis
The nerve fiber thickness map allows visualisation and quantification of RNFL thinning in glaucoma.

Comprehensive Reports
iVue80’s GCC and RNFL analysis reports include single eye and OU reports, change analysis for visit-to-visit comparison, trend analysis to assess change over time and combo reports that display both GCC and RNFL thickness profiles for comprehensive analysis.

1. Zhang X, Loewen N, Tan O, Greenfield D, Schuman J, Varma R, Huang D. Predicting Development of Glaucomatous Visual Field Conversion Using Baseline Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Am J Ophthalmol. 2016 Mar; 163:29-37.


Comprehensive range of anterior scans

The iVue 80 offers a range of anterior segment scans to suit the user’s needs these include:

Pachymetry & Epithelial Thickness Mapping
Visualise and quantify 6mm of epithelial, stromal and total corneal thickness to identify areas of thickening or thinning related to dry eye disease, keratoconus, or previous refractive surgery. The Change Analysis report measures changes in thickness between visits.

Vault Mapping
Visualise the fluid reservoir between the lens and cornea for precise scleral lens fitting.

Angle Scan
Assess angle structure with a quick, non-contact scan and quantify angle parameters with easy-to-use measurement tools.


Exclusive Wellness exam unique to OptoVue

The OCT Wellness scan is an Optovue exclusive that uses quick, easy OCT scan to promote better overall patient eye health. Its utility stems from a single, comprehensive report that shows retinal thickness and GCC thickness with normative comparison symmetry analysis. Eight high-resolution B scans are used and it provides FLV% and GLV%, proprietary Optovue GCC metrics to aid in glaucoma diagnosis and management.

The OCT Wellness programme benefits patients by helping them become more involved in their own eye health. The scanning process is simple and quick, and each patient receives comprehensive, personalised eye health information in an easy-to-understand report.


The affordable, portable non-mydriatic fundus camera

iCam12 provides rich, deep colour images by offering a unique, balanced combination of functions in a compact, portable, affordable solution.

Two images of the fundus, one in black and white, and one image of the front of a patient's eye.

Quality images from a compact system

The iCam12 boasts 45˚ colour and red-free imaging, and comes complete with a 12 megapixel camera for high-fidelity colour saturation. You can document the retina, optic disc and anterior segment with beautiful, detail-rich colour images. Red-free images are only one-click away, allowing for greater appreciation of structural detail, and a new ’emboss’ feature creates a 3D-like view for insights into retinal health.The system now also offers a multi-visit view which provides visit-to-visit comparison.


LED Flash

The LED flash light has a longer life expectancy and consumes less power compared to xenon tubes. These energy-saving lights save you time and money as well as providing improved illumination.

Side view of the Optovue iFusion OCT device.

Simple operation with an easy-to-use interface

Intuitive joystick control as well as focusing and positioning aids allows for quick and efficient photography. The software user interface allows for quick operator training, multiple options for image review and communication with your EMR. The fundus images can be added to your iVue report for comprehensive analysis.